Voortgangstoets / Progress Test 10-02-2021

Until the 2021/2022 academic year, the Progress Test was taken on paper. With the module below it was possible to check your Progress Test. Since the 2022/2023 academic year, the Progress Test is made online and this review module no longer works. The module can still be used to check an old VGT while practicing. 
Our module will calculate the score for you and will give you an indication of the percentage. It is important to note that key errors and answer key changes are not included in this.

Your measuring moment is NOT the date of the VGT, the measuring moment depends on your academic year. For example, the first VGT is momentum 1 for first-year students and moment 5 for second-year students. The last VGT is therefore usually momentum 4 for first-year students. For second-year students this is momentum 8, etc.

Note: the score is the number of points that you have scored. To get the percentage, you have to divide it by two.

Study better next time for your Progress Test?
Study with the Compendium Medicine book series! The overview of the entire study of medicine. Thanks to the many images, illustrations and mnemonics, you maintain the material better and understand the common thread of your studies. The majority of medical students use Compendium Medicine when studying. Check this page for more information

  1. Identification
  2. Answers
  3. Confirmation
  4. Results

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