Additional information

On this page you will find some extra information about the introduction of the M.F.V. Panacea.

Place to stay

We recommend that you arrange a place to stay in Groningen if the introduction takes place in a physical form. In this way you won’t have to miss parts of the introduction days in Groningen. So try to arrange a sleeping place! 

Confidential advisers

Two people of the introduction committee will function as confidential advisers during the introduction. They will be introduced at the digital introduction day. If there are any affairs or problems which are important for the committee to know during the introduction, but you rather not want to discuss in public, you tell them about it. They will handle them with confidentiality and they will try to help you as much as they can.


If there are any complaints about the introduction, you can contact the complaint committee of Panacea. You can reach them by sending an e-mail to